
Homemade Brownies

How To Make Homemade Brownies Delicious! Don't you just love brownies? They're so sweet and chocolaty! YUM!! My mouth is watering just writing this post. Ah! I love when the whole kitchen smells like brownies! Baking has always been a hobby of mine even though I haven't done it in a while. I love making things from scratch! I made brownies from scratch already and they actually came out pretty good. I was really missing it recently so I decided to make them! This set actually came out pretty good! I added in some walnuts because my mum loves nuts. I found this great recipe on Pinterest by The ingredients for this recipe were pretty cheap and most of the stuff you may already have in your kitchen.  Ingredients: 2 sticks of butter/1 cup of butter  2 1/4 cups of sugar 4 eggs 1 1/4 cups of cocoa powder 1 teaspoon of salt 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1 p

10 Things I Can't Live Without

10 Things I Can't Live Without We all have things that we can't live without right? I'm not talking about real necessities like soap, toothbrush, toothpaste or even deodorant. I hope everyone uses those! What I'm talking about are things that we have gotten attached to throughout our years of living. Things that we might've tried that work well for us.  I am not a person who is very strict with certain brands. I don't mind trying new things but some things just work better for me.  During this time of quarantine I decided that it would be great for me to do some one on one posts to share some more about myself. Hopefully as I share about myself I can help you guys in the process. You know we're all here to encourage and help each other and that's all I hope to achieve! So let's talk about 10 things that my life may be a little difficult without. 1. Cream/Lotion I love moisturizing! I hate when my skin feels dry so I make sure to cream my


CORONA VIRUS Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while, my schedule has gotten a bit hectic recently so I'm now getting accustomed to it! FOLLOW MY BLOG BY CLICKING THE FOLLOW BUTTON ON MY SIDE BAR (top, left corner) Let's talk about this Corona Virus! It's serious! Most people are saying that it's only affecting older people but you know what? Even if it is only affecting them (which it is not).. WE NEED TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! This post is mostly geared towards this video that I did. It's just some basic information that you probably already heard but, it's good for us to hear things more than once sometimes.  The Corona Virus is a novel virus so that means that our bodies do not have antibodies to fight this virus off! No one has ever gotten this virus before, so unfortunately, there is no cure for this virus and its spreading so fast! This makes it really scary! No cure and it's spreading like a wildfire! Be mindfu

DIY Flower Crown

DIY Flower Crown Follow my blog guys! GO TO MY SIDE BAR & CLICK FOLLOW! If you know me, you know  I love flower crowns! They're so beautiful! I love how they add so much personality to everything you wear. I like looking cute and I think flower crowns add cuteness without making things look too childish. It gives a nice, cute, feminine touch.  This is actually only the second time I made a flower crown . Before I would buy ready-made ones either when I went away or I would check Wonderful World. I decided to start making my own because I felt like I could be more creative and original if I did it. I checked Pinterest, of course, and I saw that it wasn't that hard to make them so that's when I decided to take up the challenge. I got a lot of compliments on my first one and I was really proud of myself. I wore it for my friend's wedding and I put a really cute sunflower on it. Safe to say that people started calling me 'Sunflower' lol.  Let me

Chicken Quesadillas

Easy & Delicious Chicken Quesadillas Before I start..YOU CAN NOW FOLLOW ME! SO PLEASE DO THAT!  How to follow my blog: Simply click on my side bar (the three horizontal lines on the top left hand corner of the screen) and hit the follow button! Crystal and I partnered up to make some really nice Chicken Quesadillas ! Y'all, they tasted so good! Crystal is my second mom/sister/bestie/confidante/kix buddy/exercising buddy/mother of my godbaby! She's a lot to me and I love her so much! We teamed up to make these delicious quesadillas and they were pretty easy to make. We had a lot of fun doing this. This recipe is also an affordable one and the process did not take long.  I LOVE Tacos, Quesadillas, Burritos etc . Any kind of Spanish food is my favouriteeeeee! So I was super excited to make these Chicken Quesadillas! Let me know what you guys think and let me know how it comes out if you decide to try it! Ingredients (all these ingredients were bought at

Easy Ombre Style

How To Do An Easy and Affordable Ombre Style Lubia is the mother of one of my god babies and she's been one of my friends for the longest while. Recently she asked me to do her hair in an ombre style and I said yes! I never really did anyone's hair before so I was a bit anxious. The most I would've done was just applying a box dye to someone's hair. I was very nervous because I never bleached someone's hair before and I definitely did not want to mess up her hair. She wanted her hair brown with an ombre style.  I have to say, I think it came out really well and her hair was very easy to bleach. Everything went really well. What you need: Bleaching powder- Clairol is a popular one that you can get at Pennywise but any bleaching powder should be fine.  30 Cream Peroxide Developer- Superstar is also a brand that I've been using for a long while and it works really good. Hair Dye- I used the brand Garnier Fructis because I think it works well. I

Bestie Alert!

Bestie Alert! Nikita and I have been friends since high school days and she's basically my sister. No matter how much time we spend apart, when we meet up it's like we were never apart in the first place. My girl is a whole makeup artist now! She recently did her course and is now starting her makeup page. I couldn't be more proud! We did this video to showcase her talent and for you guys to get to know me a little better. What better way to get to know me than to see me interact a little with someone I'm close to? I really like doing collaborations and I think I have some more coming. It's so much fun because it's so natural.  In this video we were also live on Nikita's Instagram so that we could talk to some of her followers. It was pretty late though, so not much people were online. We opened the floor to questions and we got to answer them, I think this actually helped us to stay awake, lol. It was really fun and we also got the opportunity to